Well hello there, this privacy policy is here to tell you all about how your personal data is being collected, what it is used for and how it is kept secure here on

Cookies are used on this website to collect information on your browsing behaviour but they do not collect personal information such as your name or address. Cookies are small data files placed on the device you are using to view this site and remember when your device accesses this website. These cookies and the information they collect help improve this site for yourself and future visitors by monitoring traffic of users and success of blog posts. Cookies can be disabled by your web browser settings but this will vary depending on what you’re using.

By submitting your email address to follow my blog you will receive email notifications that will keep you updated whenever I have written something new. When commenting on you are consenting to allow your comment and profile viewed by visitors on this blog.

You are of course entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that is held on this website and if you wish to make any changes just pop an email over to me at at any time.

This policy will be reviewed regularly and updated when appropriate. It was last updated on 24th May 2018.

Thanks for reading x